Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Small Group Study resources on Acts

Matt and I are running a study on Acts with our own Small Group at the moment.

We were looking for resources that were more than reading comprehension, but couldn't find anything that seemed quite right. If you want any 'study' to have a feeling of life and power as you journey through it, it would be Acts!

So we are coming up with our own resources. We are both teachers, so we thought we may as well put our lesson planning skills to use!

I'll be sharing everything we come up with on the Small Group page so if you are looking for materials on Acts, or other general Small Group tips, then check that page periodically.

Session 1 is up now - plus some general Small Group leading tips - and we'll upload more as we go. Feel free to use these as you like - as is, or take bits and pieces in coming up with your own study, photocopy, cut and paste etc etc. Just like we wanted to come up with resources that we feel are right for our specific group of people, you might just be looking for inspiration and ideas to do the same. Just please don't incorporate them into anything you are going to sell or make a profit from.

And if you do pass anything on to others, if you'd point them back to this blog as where you found them, that would be dandy!

May you feel the Spirit like it's pentecost with the disciples all over again! That's what I'm hoping for :)

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